One night, Stephen Strange arrived at Christine Palmer's apartment to pick her up for a night out at a dinner party. "Well, that was the plan." ― Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange "You performed a radical hemispherectomy. Strange was then instructed by the Watcher to watch over the prisoners, a role Strange took gladly. Once Ultron was erased by Arnim Zola, both Zola and the traitorous Killmonger tried to gain the Infinity Stones, leading to Strange trapping them in a shrunken down time bubble. Strange, alongside Captain Carter, Thor, Erik Killmonger, Gamora and Star-Lord, were brought together and formed the Guardians of the Multiverse. Floating for a time in a parcel of land protected by a bubble of the Mirror Dimension's magic, Strange was later recruited by The Watcher to help him save the Multiverse from Ultron.

Strange became hellbent on resurrecting his late girlfriend Christine Palmer, after she died in a car accident, which ultimately resulted in the destruction of his entire universe. is the Sorcerer Supreme and a Master of the Mystic Arts. I spent centuries, sacrificed everything for Christine." ―Doctor Strange to Doctor Strange ĭoctor Stephen Vincent Strange M.D., Ph.D. "How many nights did we sit in the Sanctum Sanctorum, Time Stone in the palm of our hand, knowing we could go back, gathering the courage? Well, I had the courage.